Europa e. V.

Europa e. V.


Examination rules

Examinations in the RYUKYU BUJUTSU VERBAND Europa e. V. are carried out exclusively by examiners who have a corresponding licence from the association.

Examiners have at least the title Shidoin.

If the examination regulations of a style provide for a named examiner, these examinations cannot be be carried out in the RYUKYU BUJUTSU VERBAND Europa e. V.

For the Dan examination the registration has to be submitted to the association's office at least four weeks before the examination date by the candidate and the examination fee must be transferred.

For the Kyu examination the examiner submits the list of candidates at least 21 days before the scheduled examination date to the office and transfers the examination fee.

At present, examinations are only carried out in the RYUKYU KOBUDO SHOTOKAN style.

At Kyu examinations spectators are, by arrangement with examiner and candidate, allowed.

Dan examinations generally take place in camera.