Europa e. V.

Europa e. V.



Carrying Ban

The Tonfa and the Sai are subject to the Weapons Act. Carrying them is therefore prohibited. According to Weapons Act, someone carries a weapon if they exercise actual control over it outside their own home, business premises or their own secured property. For both weapons, there is an exception that they may be carried for sports and demonstrations. Whether the Kama, Bo and Hanbo can also be classified as weapons in this sense can only be determined on a case-by-case basis. Lawyers can certainly argue about this. To avoid any misunderstandings, the weapons of Kobudo should only be transported in closed containers (bags) so that they are not directly accessible (carrying the Sai openly in the belt is certainly not a good idea).

Forbidden items of Kobudo

Many of the Asian martial arts weapons known from the movies and television are banned without exception in the Federal Republic of Germany. These include:


Originally two horseshoes connected together that could be easily hidden under clothing, it has evolved into brass knuckles.


Its origin from the flail is unmistakable. Another interpretation takes its origin from parts of the horse bridle.


Shuriken are Throwing Stars.

All of these weapons are banned in the Federal Republic of Germany without exception. They are classified as dangerous objects, meaning that not only carrying them, even for sport, but also owning them is punishable. Other weapons that are connected to each other with chains or ropes are also included. This also applies if they are covered with foam or made of foam.